Go MAD Giveaway

Andy Gilbert, Group Managing Director of Go MAD Thinking, entered the Poker Face TV quiz show to demonstrate the power of the Go MAD Thinking System. From over 10,000 people he successfully made the final three. Now he has decided to make a difference and give away his £65,000 prize winnings to help 1,000 people with £65 each.

However, you cannot ask for money to help yourself or support other charity fundraising, religious or political activities. This blog is about challenging you to use your thinking skills to make a positive difference, preferably sustainable, and help others to "Pay It Forward". What difference could you make? Please post your requests and comments.

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Win £1000 - Let's generate more Go MAD possibilities!

I had a few, very educational, days in Berlin last week, during which I challenged my friend Clive to make a difference in the next six months with 100 Euros (£65). In fact, I have been issuing friendly challenges to quite a few people to either make a difference by matching my giveaway (for £65 - not the £65,000) or thinking creatively about the possibilities of optimising £65 for the benefit of others.

An observation, from the many conversations I have had recently about the £65k Giveaway, is that many people are not doing what I term "Possibility Thinking" ie generating a great quantity of ideas before evaluating and deciding on the best option. So I have been considering a possible competition (maybe with a prize of £1000) for people prepared to do some possibility thinking and match my £65 to raise a greater amount that will enable more differences to be made. What do you think?

Here is the basic question to get you thinking: If given £65, what could I possibly do (& who could I possibly involve) to help make the greatest difference for others? Write down this question and generate a minimum of 20 answers before deciding your priorities. Then let me know your best ones. (If you have never used this solution focused thinking technique before, give it a go. I once used it to raise £250,000 in 3 months - but that's another story.) Let's get thinking.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Involving Others to Go MAD with £65

As Derek, my Barber, was cutting my hair today, we discussed the village in which we live and who might possibly benefit the most from receiving £65. He came up with the idea of involving the kids in the local school. Now I am sure that they will be able to do some great possibility thinking.

Thanks for the comments posted in response to my recent blog entries. The idea from "Jane the cynic" to send £65 to each of the main political leaders is very appealing. It might also be interesting to contrast the difference the kids make with £65 to the differences a politician makes!

Hang on, this could build into a great idea for a fun challenge of who can make the biggest difference with £65. Post your comments for who else we could involve and I will sort out the details next week.

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Launch of Go MAD £65 Community Challenge

I have decided this week to give away £65 to 65 people in my local community (Leicestershire) on the condition that they consider how the money could possibly make the greatest difference to others. My GP nominated a couple of elderly patients I was able to help out today. I am working on more themed ideas about involving different groups of people to help me make a difference.

Well done Pete & Sally for giving away £65 of tea & chocolate muffins and for everyone who is joining or matching me in the giveaway. Common themes are about turning £65 into more, getting work colleagues to join in and helping people to help themselves. Lots of great ideas, feedback and action as a result of my last challenge. Here is your question to consider - How could I possibly involve others to make the greatest difference with £65?

Friday, 16 March 2007

It's going crazy – Let's all Go MAD with £65

Today I have given away £65 to Angela to pay for her entry into a marathon race as she has promised to raise £1000 for charity.

The giveaway campaign has inspired the team at Go MAD and is gathering so much momentum it has totally amazed me. My gesture has been a sort of "catalyst for caring". There are so many people already coming forward with reasons why even a small amount such a £65 can make a huge or positive difference to another person. Surely one of the secrets to living is giving, and so many people want to feel good by doing this. An unexpected outcome this week is that many of my corporate clients have emailed or phoned offering to also give away £65 via their employees to make a difference for others. They think it is a great way for employees to engage, feel good about themselves and the company.

Okay, my imagination is getting fired up by this. What if I was to put out a challenge to all UK businesses to make a difference in the lives of others by giving away multiples of £65, via their own employees, to make a difference to others? This would mean the total amount given away would be many times my original £65,000 winnings.

Monday, 12 March 2007

Something Remarkable Happened

Over the past 7 days I have been inundated with requests from radio, newspapers and local TV all asking how I am going to give the money away and can they help me. The answer is yes, you can help, however, I need a few more days to consider the giveaway criteria.

This morning I was invited by a local commercial radio station to give away £65 to listeners who had sent in over 200 ideas and requests. After I had given away the third £65 (to a manager of a NHS mental health care unit who wanted to put a smile on the faces of 12 patients by buying them fish and chips on a trip to the seaside), something remarkable happened! Mark phoned in and said he wanted to put a smile on my face by giving me £65 as he admired what I was doing to help others. What a great surprise!

I then discovered that the radio station had also made a difference by spending £65 of their money helping a ten year old boy achieve one of his goals. Maybe giving £65 could be contagious. Here's a thought, if you were to give away £65 and put a smile on people's faces, what would be the greatest difference you could possibly make?