Go MAD Giveaway

Andy Gilbert, Group Managing Director of Go MAD Thinking, entered the Poker Face TV quiz show to demonstrate the power of the Go MAD Thinking System. From over 10,000 people he successfully made the final three. Now he has decided to make a difference and give away his £65,000 prize winnings to help 1,000 people with £65 each.

However, you cannot ask for money to help yourself or support other charity fundraising, religious or political activities. This blog is about challenging you to use your thinking skills to make a positive difference, preferably sustainable, and help others to "Pay It Forward". What difference could you make? Please post your requests and comments.

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Win £1000 - Let's generate more Go MAD possibilities!

I had a few, very educational, days in Berlin last week, during which I challenged my friend Clive to make a difference in the next six months with 100 Euros (£65). In fact, I have been issuing friendly challenges to quite a few people to either make a difference by matching my giveaway (for £65 - not the £65,000) or thinking creatively about the possibilities of optimising £65 for the benefit of others.

An observation, from the many conversations I have had recently about the £65k Giveaway, is that many people are not doing what I term "Possibility Thinking" ie generating a great quantity of ideas before evaluating and deciding on the best option. So I have been considering a possible competition (maybe with a prize of £1000) for people prepared to do some possibility thinking and match my £65 to raise a greater amount that will enable more differences to be made. What do you think?

Here is the basic question to get you thinking: If given £65, what could I possibly do (& who could I possibly involve) to help make the greatest difference for others? Write down this question and generate a minimum of 20 answers before deciding your priorities. Then let me know your best ones. (If you have never used this solution focused thinking technique before, give it a go. I once used it to raise £250,000 in 3 months - but that's another story.) Let's get thinking.


Anonymous said...

I am up for the matching challenge and am going to get my operations and sales teams to separately answer the question tomorrow and then we will get back to you.

Ian Flood said...

Iam here in Colombia for four months helping the impoverished children as a volnteer worker with a UK-based charity. I give 15 pounds a month which sponsors a child who then receives a christian education, a school uniform, a hot meal every day and access to medical care. So 65 pounds keeps the child going for just over four months. Keep up the good work, Andy. Regards, Ian.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are making a difference and getting stuck in with some "hands on" help for others. I always prefer to support people who are prepared to match my efforts in someway - that way we create a greater good. Email me and let me know where to send the £65 and its yours. Andy

Anonymous said...

Hi Andy.
News travels fast, especially when there is money to be had for free. Congratulations on the particular difference you are making with your Poker Face win of £65,000. Great idea.

I would use £65 to help a small village on Santa Isabel in the Solomon Island. The women there have asked for saucepans and calico so that they can receive training in how to cook nutritionally and also how to make use of their excess produce more productively so that they can sell it and add to their income to help feed their families. £65 would make a huge difference to them.

I would suggest that when they make their first Aust$65 that they then donate it to another village to help them with one of their community projects and so on throughout the Solomons. The islanders are very poor and are keen to help themselves to move from subsistence farming to doing something more commercial.

Anonymous said...

June, great thinking about creating sustainability. Well worth £65. I look forward to hearing about the difference you make.

hayley5229 said...

Hi Andy

I am doing the race for life this year in memory of my uncle, and to raise as much money as possible to put towards cancer research so that hopefully one day other people wont have to suffer like he did. So I would put £65 towards that.

Anonymous said...

hi m8 £65 would realy help right now im skint and i aint got two pennies to rub together so if you are giving away cash keep me in mind i will make more use of it than most others would

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am not supporting any requests for existing charity fundraising events eg Marathons. The £65 must be directly used to help others and not requested for yourself. This is designed to help people develop and use their thinking skills in order to make a worthwhile difference to others.