Go MAD Giveaway

Andy Gilbert, Group Managing Director of Go MAD Thinking, entered the Poker Face TV quiz show to demonstrate the power of the Go MAD Thinking System. From over 10,000 people he successfully made the final three. Now he has decided to make a difference and give away his £65,000 prize winnings to help 1,000 people with £65 each.

However, you cannot ask for money to help yourself or support other charity fundraising, religious or political activities. This blog is about challenging you to use your thinking skills to make a positive difference, preferably sustainable, and help others to "Pay It Forward". What difference could you make? Please post your requests and comments.

Sunday, 20 May 2007

Help me - I am struggling to give money away!

Yes, it's true, I am having some challenges finding enough people who want to make a difference with my money. Maybe I am being too tough with the (minimal) rules - namely, you cannot ask for the money for yourself, it must make a worthwhile difference to others, and preferably you ensure an element of sustainability (eg by turning £65 into something more, where part of it gets used to make a difference and part of it gets paid forward for someone else to make a difference with).

So when you read this - THINK, "What could I do?" or, "Who do I know that might possibly want to get involved?" Then let me know your idea - however simple or creative it might be.

I look forward to your help - even if it is posting a comment or an idea for someone else to think about.


Anonymous said...

What about involving students, school kids, community workers, businesses, coaches, managers with their teams? Create a prize for the biggest difference made?

Anonymous said...

We have just challenged some of the staff from the Marketing Team for Norwich Union (whom we have been running a programme for) to see what differences they can make with £65. We had some great suggestions and the winners were 1. To buy underwear for the homeless in Norwich! 2. To sponsor an Orang-utan in the Jungle. 3. To look after gardens for the elderly. All in all some good simple things that make a differnce.