Go MAD Giveaway

Andy Gilbert, Group Managing Director of Go MAD Thinking, entered the Poker Face TV quiz show to demonstrate the power of the Go MAD Thinking System. From over 10,000 people he successfully made the final three. Now he has decided to make a difference and give away his £65,000 prize winnings to help 1,000 people with £65 each.

However, you cannot ask for money to help yourself or support other charity fundraising, religious or political activities. This blog is about challenging you to use your thinking skills to make a positive difference, preferably sustainable, and help others to "Pay It Forward". What difference could you make? Please post your requests and comments.

Saturday, 14 July 2007

An invitation to go on a £65 Quest or Adventure

From reading some of Tom Peter's work this week I was interested to note the positive impact of the words "quest" and "adventure" rather than "task" and "project". So I thought it might be interesting to invite 10 people who read this to go on a 7 day quest or adventure (you pick which word you like best) to make a difference using £65 of my money.

Just tell me why it should be you - remember you can't spend the money on yourself - and I will send you the money on the condition that you let me know about your quest/adventure to make a difference. You don't have to tell me at this point what the money will be spent on, as you might not know yet, and after all you have 7 days for your quest. Enjoy it. Be adventurous.


Anonymous said...

Hi there - whilst I don't know what I would do for my quest or adventure - I think this therefore defines the nature of the activity!!

Surprise people and make their day. See people smile and add value to their summer (?!) and generally use it for the good of others.

I'd love to take part. I'm contactable at mark108janet@ntlworld.com.


Anonymous said...


As you were the first to ask - you get to have a £65 quest or adventure. Enjoy and let us know what happens.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to go on a £65 adventure/quest because it is such an exciting idea and I think it would open up the thinking of those I met in the week.

I am not sure exactly what form the adventure would take, just that I would like to involve people of all ages - 0 to 100 in doing something new that could open up a new activity or light the fire of an idea.

I promise I would get back to you quickly and envisage some kind of photo record of the week.

I'd really appreciate being chosen as it is such a great idea and I'd like to share some happiness....

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous,

You will have to reveal yourself.Send me an e-mail with your name and address and I will send you a £65 cheque for your adventure/quest. A photo record of the week would be great to inspire others.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you. I have sent an e-mail with contact details.